
Yolonda Kay is a hopeless romantic who writes emotionally driven science fiction, fantasy, and paranormal & contemporary romance infused with perilous situations and courageous characters fighting against technology and nature. In short, she's a fan of love stories...and other epic disasters. 

An avid reader, travel addict, lover of Mexican food & margaritas, Yolonda has had a successful career with the United States Department of Agriculture, where she focused on environmental and wildlife conservation for nearly fifteen years. 

Her passion for nature and wildlife will always be important to her, even as she focuses more on her fiction. 


Born and raised in Ohio, she has also lived on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and the rocky mountains of Colorado. Today, she resides wherever her military husband and pets call home.

She is just an average girl who decided to embark on the journey of entrepreneurship, pursuing her love for literature and storytelling. But as an author, content creator, and photographer, it likely doesn't need to be said that she loves tuning in to her artistic side and believes in gathering inspiration from the world around us. 

Follow Yolonda Kay on social media @YolondaKayWrites

Author Bio

Meet Yolonda

meet Yolonda

If I Wasn't A Writer:
I'd be a vet 
or interior designer

I really love


drink of choice

red wine

my fav hobby


Yolonda Kay grew up on a lovely country farm of almost 400 acres in Ohio and spent her childhood jotting down stories in composition notebooks while fueled by a diet rich of stories by Austen, Disney, Cameron, Hemingway, and Speilburg. When not writing - or dreaming of the day when her writing would come to life on the big screen - she spent her time wandering the farm, and adjacent woodlands, taking photographs and playing with every animal possible. 

Her love for animals spilled into adulthood. With the hope of someday working with them, she pursued a B.S in Animal Biology - with dual concentrations in wildlife conservation and environmental studies - after earning her A.A.S in Forensic Science. She married the love of her life at 25 and spent 15 years working environmental compliance and conservation for the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Having reached a point in her life where she no longer wanted her creative skills to be mere hobbies, but rather her lifeblood, Yolonda combined her love of animals and storytelling by founding Gone Wild For Wildlife in 2020. GWFW is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit focused on educating, inspiring, and shedding light on vital wildlife conservation efforts to readers around the globe.

Yolonda's storytelling can be found in many publications, most recently her works of fiction.

To learn more about Yolonda's nonprofit, Gone Wild For Wildlife, please visit the website below.

The Conservation Work

spend a month traveling in africa 

On My Bucket List...

meet Clint Eastwood (and discuss film production with him!)

On My Bucket List...

hang out with Joanna Gaines (yes, i actually got to do this! ask me, i'll tell ya the story!)

On My Bucket List...

Direct/produce on-screen adaptions of all of my novels!

On My Bucket List...

My mission will always be to ensure other creatives, especially writers, never lose their passion for their art form because of the way society tends to devalue creatives, because I know how tough this part of being a creative is.

I believe creative entrepreneurs who lead with their purpose in their hearts are more successful, less likely to burn out, and deeply connected to why they do what they do. 

This site is designed to help you find your purpose and lead passionately with that purpose - because if you want to have your dream business you have to first become the owner that dream business needs.

empowering creatives to create, dream big and live with a passion that sparks life into the stories they have to tell... 

my mission




macaroons in paris

FAshion Piece


Conservation Area

Costa Rica

vacation spot



anything italian!

next >

All Time Favorites

My Personal Favorite Goodies


Travel Inspiration


career GOODIES


Conservation and the preservation of wildlife are HUGE passions of mine. Learn more about my work over @ Gone Wild For Wildlife!


The best Netflix show is definitely...

Outer Banks


My Life With The
Walter Boys

if i were A COCKTAIL, I'D BE A ...


rum & coke

long island iced tea

Let's have some fun!

click on your answer

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